Thursday, June 12, 2014

Honesty: Part 1 (Intro)

Do you really know what it means to be honest?
What is dishonesty?
Are there occasions where the lines between honesty and dishonesty blur?

“Honesty was once considered an all-or-nothing proposition. You were either honest or dishonest. In the post-truth era this concept has become more nuanced… Ethics are judged on a sliding scale.” (The Post-Truth Era)

Dishonesty is more than just lying -- it is intentional deceit. This reveals itself in more than simply saying that which is untrue. Honesty and dishonesty are much more complex and lively than we often give them credit...

We tend to think of them as fairly simple black and white opposites.

While researching, most of the initial sources are by religious sources (predominately Christianity) on the Spiritual need for honesty, but I tried to use more psychological or practical sources.

The average person supposedly lies almost 200 times per DAY... We are each dishonest liars, and will likely continue to be (but don't worry! So will everyone else :) So the more we learn of honesty, the more we learn about ourselves and the others around us.

Thread Index [Links]:
Part 2 (Overview)

Project Sources:

The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone---Especially Ourselves by Dan Ariely 2012
The Post-Truth Era: Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life (Google eBook) by Ralph Keyes 2004
Encyclopedia of Deception by Timothy R. Levine 2014

“Academic Integrity: Types of Dishonesty” by Perdue University [link]
“Types of Academic Dishonesty” by DePauw University [link]
“Honesty/Truthfulness; Sincerity” by Roy Posner & MSS [link]
“Honesty: 4 Levels at which to be Honest” by Gwen Channer 2010 [link]
“Stage of Honesty” by Evan O’Ryan 2014 [link]

“” [link]

DEAD LINKS: Websites used in this project that are no longer up or running
“Two Kinds of Honesty” by Jo Parfitt [link]

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