Monday, June 16, 2014

Honesty: Part 4 (Blurred Lines)

There are times when classifying a statement as either honest or dishonest doesn't quite cut it. If you make a joke, but someone takes what was said seriously, and you sort of meant it, but not as exaggeratedly as they took it, that could be considered both honest and dishonest.

Here are 5 examples where a statement or action could be less and more than honest simultaneously:

1) Metaphor (stating something as truth [that isn't] to express something that is; he is a lion)

    a) Hyperbole (intentional exaggeration to prove a point, not to be taken seriously - the sandwich was like 3k bucks!)

2) Hypothetical (statements occurring in possible [likely or not] scenarios, but not reality; can sometimes carry implications that get taken seriously)

3) Joking (humorous statements, true or not, especially stories with a funny punchline)

    a) Sarcasm (irony or mocking; usually showing dislike/contempt for a person or situation)

4) Carelessness (harming or disabling resources so others cannot use them - cutting tables & illustrations out of books for personal use) [see Cheating and Contractual]

5) Brutal Honesty (sometimes called being "too honest": unnecessarily bringing up more than what is required or asked for; in response - do you like my shirt? No, I actually HATE it, and I don't like your pants either!)

Thread Index [Links]:
Part 2 (Overview)

Project Sources:

The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone---Especially Ourselves by Dan Ariely 2012
The Post-Truth Era: Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life (Google eBook) by Ralph Keyes 2004
Encyclopedia of Deception by Timothy R. Levine 2014

“Academic Integrity: Types of Dishonesty” by Perdue University [link]
“Types of Academic Dishonesty” by DePauw University [link]
“Honesty/Truthfulness; Sincerity” by Roy Posner & MSS [link]
“Honesty: 4 Levels at which to be Honest” by Gwen Channer 2010 [link]
“Stage of Honesty” by Evan O’Ryan 2014 [link]

“” [link]

Websites used in this project that are no longer up or running
“Two Kinds of Honesty” by Jo Parfitt [link]

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