Thursday, June 12, 2014

Honesty: Part 2 (Overview)

Hopefully having a general overview before looking through the entirety of my research will help you understand honesty and dishonesty much more than simply reading a list of ways in which one can do them. Here you will see how and why we are dishonest, summarizing the forms of dishonesty into 2 forms, below:

How We Lie:
To be dishonest (especially to successfully deceive others with it), a situation must first present itself wherein the audience can only receive information from a single, second-hand source: you. A greater dependency on the subject’s words make the audience more vulnerable to dishonesty.

The 2 General Forms of Dishonesty:
1) Misleading (making something sound or seem like something else - misdirection away from something toward something else; misrepresentation)
2) Misinformation (untrue statements; lies; blatantly untrue, made up facts)

Why We Lie:
a) Avoidance (avoid pain for self or others)
b) Shortcut (easier way to accomplish desired outcomes)
c) Preservation (maintain a shared narrative; your family name or view others have of you)

Thread Index [Links]:
Part 2 (Overview)

Project Sources:

The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone---Especially Ourselves by Dan Ariely 2012
The Post-Truth Era: Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life (Google eBook) by Ralph Keyes 2004
Encyclopedia of Deception by Timothy R. Levine 2014

“Academic Integrity: Types of Dishonesty” by Perdue University [link]
“Types of Academic Dishonesty” by DePauw University [link]
“Honesty/Truthfulness; Sincerity” by Roy Posner & MSS [link]
“Honesty: 4 Levels at which to be Honest” by Gwen Channer 2010 [link]
“Stage of Honesty” by Evan O’Ryan 2014 [link]

“” [link]

Websites used in this project that are no longer up or running
“Two Kinds of Honesty” by Jo Parfitt [link]

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