Sunday, October 5, 2014

Zine Scan 1

Scanned pages of the first *Zine made with students from Walden School of Liberal Arts (High School) (this zine is not an official work or representation of Walden, but an after-school club project done by students)
*A Zine is a small budget (usually also physically small), self-produced magazine... Shortened from maga-zine to zine -- zines can be about anything, but are known for making known various political and art movements

[ cover ]

Teaching an after-school club about Zines, the students put together the "Walden Zine" filled with (mostly) anonymous contributions the students wanted to put in...

Zine topics (chosen by students):

  • Walden (their school)
  • Religion
  • Ice cream
  • Words

After pinning up posters around the school (and making an announcement to each class) urging students to contribute, I collected the works, ordered the pages, made copies, folded, stapled, and distributed the final product

Here it is :)


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