Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Honesty: Part 3 (Forms of Honesty)

Despite thinking there are many forms of dishonesty, but only one form of honesty, there are actually many ways of expressing truth... As a practical exercise, you could look at the list: Forms of Dishonesty, and consider the opposite of each form as honest, but there are at least 10 forms exclusive to this list, seen below:

1) Statement (to state something believed true)

    a) Internalized (though not researched or maybe not provable, stated because of belief of truth - logical or not)

    b) External (stated because others suggest it, whether or not you, or the majority, or those often consulted as experts believe it)

2) Feelings (truly stating opinion and feeling about a statement, event, or idea)

3) Correction (correcting inaccuracies or falsehoods, including assumptions)

4) Fallibility (acknowledging or suggesting potential for statements or actions to be false or contain a faulty premise; may be wrong)

5) Understanding (seeking understanding and truth via inquiry and/or clarity)

    a) Clarification (ensuring your understanding via inquiry of another's statement; sometimes seeking further understanding; So you're saying...?; What about...?)

    b) Clarity (ensuring understanding in others via elaborating, and making clear, specific statements; opposite vagueties; avoiding convolution; so others are not mislead, and need not wonder or ask for clarification)

6) Consistency (doing that which one suggests to others; opposite hypocrisy)

7) True to Self (doing what one feels they should; fulfilling moral obligation)

8) Honesty with Self (admit and acknowledge truth of situation, self, etc.) [see Fallibility]

9) Acceptance (acknowledging complex and often contradictory truths that simultaneously exist; accepting coexistent contradictions)

Thread Index [Links]:
Part 2 (Overview)

Project Sources:

The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone---Especially Ourselves by Dan Ariely 2012
The Post-Truth Era: Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life (Google eBook) by Ralph Keyes 2004
Encyclopedia of Deception by Timothy R. Levine 2014

“Academic Integrity: Types of Dishonesty” by Perdue University [link]
“Types of Academic Dishonesty” by DePauw University [link]
“Honesty/Truthfulness; Sincerity” by Roy Posner & MSS [link]
“Honesty: 4 Levels at which to be Honest” by Gwen Channer 2010 [link]
“Stage of Honesty” by Evan O’Ryan 2014 [link]

“Dictionary.com” [link]

Websites used in this project that are no longer up or running
“Two Kinds of Honesty” by Jo Parfitt [link]

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