Sunday, September 21, 2014

Made Web Diagram (Forms Of Atheism)

Made a web diagram showing the forms of Atheism... Pretty good if you ask me :)

Boxes show the name(s), below which you can read the definition

[ click diagram for larger image ]

I'm NOT an Atheist, but in hopes of better understanding why Atheists think the way they do, and the various ways in which that expresses itself, I started looking into it... Days later, I finished this   

Looked up forms of Atheism... Started on Wikipedia (where I usually start when learning about something new) because it always gives a good overview of a subject I'm unfamiliar with

Wrote key words and definitions as I came across them... I often visited other websites Wikipedia sited as a source, and used to find concise definitions if one wasn't available (often I compiled definitions from various sources to make it as simple as possible)

Jotted questions I had about any terms, and looked up answers

NOTE: At this point it's critical to gather as much information possible (otherwise I'd have to keep adjusting the diagram, or adding footnotes stating the change -- which is a pain :P )

Typed my notes I'd taken, and copied/pasted anything from the computer I wanted to use (mostly definitions)

Put info into a visual form (diagram) Inspired by Visualizing Data and David McCandless' TED Talk [ watch here ]... I tried different ways of showing the forms visually, but the diagram looked best (using Google Drawing--which wasn't the easiest, but ended up fine)

Version after version, adding more and more info, it finally ended up something I was proud of

Took a screenshot using Awesome Screenshot (an extension for Google Chrome)
[ Chrome web store link ] of my Google Drawing (after adding a white background)... I know I could have just saved the image, but I love using this app :D

Then I posted the diagram on a few religious and atheistic forums, asking for any suggestions (if I missed anything)

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