Saturday, September 20, 2014

Painted Abstract Face

Painted a semi-abstract (abstraction) face with ink + watercolor :) I like it...

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Researched various art styles... Seeing the different forms and explantions was actually really interesting

Found's article "Art Styles Explained: From Realism to Abstract" [ link ] and read about abstraction. PS That article is totally worth giving a read... The article says:
Art Style: Abstraction
"Abstraction is about painting the essence of a subject rather than the detail, but still retaining an echo of whatever it is that prompted the idea (unlike a pure abstract). You might reduce the subject to the dominant colors, shapes, or patterns. Think reduced reality the detail you need to paint the character of the scene."
Decided on which style I wanted to paint (abstraction)

Searched "abstract art" and "abstraction art" in Google images [ abstract and abstraction ] and scrolled through probably 10 pages or so, just for some inspiration... I never really got abstract art, but after a while I kind of started liking it :)

Drew lines outlining the basic face-shape (with ink) with a G2 Pilot penproduct link one of my favorite pens :) I sketched it on regular print paper

Painted with watercolors I got as a gift last Christmas... With all the color options, I only mixed colors once or twice on a paper plate to get the right tint -- I painted, then let it dry

Bought paper frames for something like $5 at Michaels Craft Store ]... I eventually swapped frames with a sturdier frame (to use the paper frames for another project)

I really like paper frames, though -- it's a good way to make a project look professional for cheap! :)

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